Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harry Potter and The deathly Hallows

So, I went to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows on Monday November 22nd. I figured that I didn't have shit else to do, Obama is still sending me checks, and I like Cherry Icee's and Popcorn at 9:45am. To my amazement no one else I know felt the same way.

I have read all of the Harry Potter books and have seen all of the movies so far, even though it has taken what seems like decades for this non-sense of a franchise to ever be complete, I have enjoyed the movies that it has produced. If I can only get J.K. Rowling to be my sugar mama I would be in the British wet dream of a lifetime.

So a few things I learned from the latest Harry Potter:
1-Hermione Granger is getting hotter by the seconnd
2-You have a wand, use that motherfucker!!
    2a.- If you are not using your wand stop leaving it on the ground, or in the snow, or at your buddies house, or some how drop it into your 40oz of Shlitz malt liquor. You know magic, fuse that shit to you hand so you can drop magical knowledge at any time.
3-From Quidditch matches to Triwizard Tournaments, and Azkaban, I do like how the series has gotten progressivly darker. The latest installment does not dissapoint.
4-Saying that it does have a Lord of the Rings type feel to it. By that I mean it seems like everytime they get over one mountian there is an even larger mountian behind it that they have to climb. Being a wizard it just means that they will have to dissasperate for at least 2-1/2 more hours for the final movie.
5-Horcrux's seem to be difficult to find and harder to destroy.
6-I will gladly pay to see the final Harry Potter movie. (or at least Obama will)

That is all I know for now. If I'm not to hungover I will be posting more stuff soon!!



I have discovered this wonderful thing called the interwebs, and I have decided to use its power to make me invincible in the ways of movies and tv.

I have noticed recently that people who don't know shit about shit are able to put out anything into the universe..............................I intend to be one of those people!!!

So fasten up your childproof caps and be ready to learn how to re-open that cap. It is now go time!!